Terms of Use
These terms
These terms of use govern your use and access to our services, including our website, our notifications and any information or content appearing therein. By using our Platform, you agree to these terms. If you are using our Platform as a representative of an entity, you are agreeing to these terms on behalf of that entity. You should also read our Privacy Policy which sets out how we collect and use your personal information.
Changes of terms
We may amend these terms from time to time by posting the updated terms on our Platform. By continuing to use our Platform and our services after the changes come into effect means that you agree to be bound by the revised policy.
Optimal Cost collects information from you when you provide your details under the 'Contact us' page. For your convenience, we may present data you previously supplied us.
All material inclusive of text, images, logos, product names on this web site (“Web Content”) is copyrighted and either the property of, or used with permission by Optimal Cost. Web Content may not be distributed, modified, reproduced– in whole or in part– without the prior written permission of Optimal Cost.
Optimal Cost has made every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information on this website. However, Optimal Cost gives no warranty, and shall in no event be liable, for any consequences arising from the use of any contents on this website.